My ancestor served in the American Revolution. What lineage societies might my family be able to join?

Women’s Societies: Daughters of the American Revolution ( From “Who We Are” – The DAR, founded in 1890 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., is a non-profit, non-political volunteer women’s service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America’s future through better education for children.Open to women 18 and over. Members must beContinueContinue reading “My ancestor served in the American Revolution. What lineage societies might my family be able to join?”

Was your ancestor an officer? More resources for researching the American Revolution in France.

If your ancestor was an officer, consider reviewing the site of the Society of the Cincinnati in France. With officer biographies, histories of the Revolution and more, the Society’s website can be an aid to your research. And who knows – if you’re a male descendant from a French officer, you may even be eligibleContinueContinue reading “Was your ancestor an officer? More resources for researching the American Revolution in France.”

How do I find Revolutionary War service for an ancestor from Connecticut?

Updated 2023. Documenting a new ancestor can be one of the more challenging – but also most fascinating – parts of completing a lineage society application. Many societies prefer that you use an ancestor who is already on file for ease of review. However, most will allow you to add someone if you do notContinueContinue reading “How do I find Revolutionary War service for an ancestor from Connecticut?”

I want to join the Society of the Cincinnati. How do I start?

Unlike the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution, the Society of the Cincinnati does not accept just any ancestor with Revolutionary War military service as qualifying descendants for membership. For your ancestor to qualify you for the Society of the Cincinnati, they cannot have served in the militia or held a non-commissioned rank. TheyContinueContinue reading “I want to join the Society of the Cincinnati. How do I start?”

The Society of the Cincinnati

Founded in 1783, The Society of Cincinnati is America’s oldest lineage society, and one of its least known. Per the Society’s “History” page, it was created to serve as support of the commissioned officers of the Continental Army. Since 1854, it has welcomed descendants of those who joined the society in 1783 and those whoContinueContinue reading “The Society of the Cincinnati”